TII-Series: Positioning in exceeding totally, not only exceed all the same types of productions that always been imitating on the market, but also to exceed itself.
12AT7-TII is double triode small size novel tube,it is used as voltage magnification in amplifying circuit and inverter drive push-pull amplifier.
Uf---------------------6.3(parallel connection) 12.6(series connection) V
If------------------------0.30 0.15 A
Direct Interelectrode Capacitances
grid to grid------------------------0.005 PF
plate to plate----------------------0.4 PF
grid to plate(single triode) -------1.5 PF
grid to cathode and filament(single triode)------2.2 PF
plate to cathode and filament(single triode)------0.5 PF
filament to cathode(single triode) -----------2.4 PF
palte to cathode(single triode)-----------0.2 PF
cathode to filament and grid(single triode) -----4.6 PF
plate to filament and grid(single triode)------1.8 PF
static parameter
Ua-----------------------100 250 V
Ia------------------------3.7 10 mA
Gm----------------------4 5.5 mA/V
Rk-----------------------270 200 Ω
u-------------------------60 60
ri(approx)---------------15 10.9 KΩ
Ug(approx)--------------—5 —12 V
(when la=10Ua)
class A1.maximum.single triode.
Ua-----------------300 V
Pa---------------- 2.5 W
Ug----------------—50 V
Uh-k(pk)-----------±90 V
with cathode bias --------------1 MΩ
with fixed bias ----------------0.25 MΩ